الجمعة، 10 سبتمبر 2010

What's the proper disposal method for holy books?

Every major news site I visited today had a story about.. you know what.  And I'm not going to give that cretin any additional publicity, but it started me thinking.

How does one properly dispose of a Bible? Qur'an? Talmud?

I suppose the initial response is that when the owner of a religious text dies, the item passes to relatives, who then cherish and preserve it.  Or they are donated to libraries, missionary services and suh.  But all things must end, and books wear out or become damaged beyond use.  I think in antiquity some holy texts were recycled as palimpsests, but what happens nowadays?

Are they burned?  That's the fate of tattered American flags, when it's done in a dignified way by respectful persons.  But I wonder what a book publisher does when its run isn't sold, or what a store does when it is hopelessly overstocked.  Are the holy books pulped?  Shredded?

I'm not trying to start a controversy or offer any justification for disrespecting religions.  Just curious.  Anyone out there in the book business with an answer?  Or any clergy with relevant experience?

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