الأربعاء، 8 ديسمبر 2010

$6 million to faculty in Q4 Research Awards

We've just completed the latest round of Google Research Awards, our program which identifies and supports faculty pursuing research in areas of mutual interest. We had a record number of submissions this round, and are funding 112 awards across 20 different areas—for a total of more than $6 million. We’re also providing more than 150 Android devices for research and curriculum development to faculty whose projects rely heavily on Android hardware.

The areas that received the highest level of funding, due to the large number of proposals in these areas, were systems and infrastructure, human computer interaction, security and multimedia. We also continue to support international research; in this round, 29 percent of the funding was awarded to universities outside the U.S.

Some examples from this round of awards:
  • Injong Rhee, North Carolina State University. Experimental Evaluation of Increasing TCP Initial Congestion Window (Systems)
  • James Jones, University of California, Irvine. Bug Comprehension Techniques to Assist Software Debugging (Software Engineering)
  • Yonina Eldar, Technion, Israel. Semi-Supervised Regression with Auxiliary Knowledge (Machine Learning)
  • Victor Lavrenko, University of Edinburgh, United Kingdom. Interactive Relevance Feedback for Mobile Search (Information Retrieval)
  • James Glass, MIT. Crowdsourcing to Acquire Semantically Labelled Text and Speech Data for Speech Understanding (Speech)
  • Chi Keung Tang, The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology. Quasi-Dense 3D Reconstruction from 2D Uncalibrated Photos (Geo/Maps)
  • Phil Blunsom, Oxford, United Kingdom. Unsupervised Induction of Multi-Nonterminal Grammars for Statistical Machine Translation (Machine Translation)
  • Oren Etzioni, University of Washington. Accessing the Web utilizing Android Phones, Dialogue, and Open Information Extraction (Mobile)
  • Matthew Salganik, Princeton. Developments in Bottom-Up Social Data Collection (Social)

The full list of this round’s award recipients can be found in this PDF. For more information on our research award program, visit our website. And if you’re a faculty member, we welcome you to apply for one of next year’s two rounds. The deadline for the first round is February 1.

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