الجمعة، 11 فبراير 2011

Open thread on Egypt

Yesterday a blogger who visits TYWKIWDBI from Brazil requested that I start an "open thread" where readers of this blog can express/share comments about the situation in Egypt.

I'm pleased to do that, but suspect the participation will be modest.  My metrics show readers from 213 countries in the past year (about 1000 visits from Egypt), but my personal observation is that the vast majority of visitors here are silent lurkers; commentary on my posts typically comes from a core group of several dozen more outspoken people.

However, with this topic it might be different.  A reminder that my policy re comments is that any expression in polite adult language is welcome, but I delete "ad hominem" attacks where commenters try to insult other commenters.

So, have a go.

For starters I offer the clever image above, from Reddit, posted after Mubarak's surprise announcement that he would not be resigning his Presidency.

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