الجمعة، 23 سبتمبر 2011

Paranomal Categories ~ SGU 24-Hour Show

Steven Novella and the Skeptics Guide to the Universe tonight begins a 24-Hour Podcasting Show.  He states that critical thinking is at an all time low (he even has a meter to prove it!)  He wants to try and raise the level of science and skepticism during the next 24-hours to at least the yellow level.  I'm challenging anyone listening the next 24-hours to listen in, and really DO SOMETHING to raise the level of critical thinking in the public.  Edit Wikipedia for skeptical content. 

Join me, sign into your Wikipedia account and help edit.  I'm going to be giving updates in the comment section of the edits I do tonight. 

Heres a great place to start...

I love the category function on Wikipedia.  I've talked a lot about this on earlier blogs about using the Skeptics by country page as a way of finding skeptic pages that badly need work.  Putting them in the category has been discussed as well.

As you know from reading the last few blogs, I'm on this kick to find more paranormal pages that are making claims like "medium XYZ has solved many missing person cases" and "the police call in ABC whenever they have a mystery to solve".  You know that kind of thing.  Then when you look at the citations you discover that the citation might not even be there, or is a bad cite (dead link, or links to the psychic's website ect...).

Well trolling around Wikipedia does give you all kinds of strange pages, but I thought why not just go to the psychic's pages from the category page that someone put them in?  Great idea.  I've collected a few of the category pages and pasted them for you below. Remember there might be a lot more, I just haven't found them yet. 

American Spiritual Mediums

Spiritual Mediums

People by Paranormal Abilities


Paranormal Stubs

Paranormal Investigators

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