الخميس، 22 سبتمبر 2011

Seeking advice re a "flapper dress"

I've recently been busy helping my mother move from a condo unit in Minnesota to an apartment near our home.  In the process we weeded through a 20+ year accumulation of clothes, books, memorabilia, and other odds and ends. 

One item that came to light during this process is a sheath-style evening dress in what I would term a "flapper" style from the 1920s, because it's covered with bangles -
and tassels -
My mother in the 1920s was the antithesis of the flapper girl; during that decade she was working on a farm driving a team of horses to cultivate corn.  So the dress must have been acquired many years later, presumably from an estate sale of DPT*.

This will probably be donated to a charity, but we're wondering whether this is an original dress, or a more modern reproduction.  Here's the label, which didn't generate any useful hits for me on a web search (not could I find any exact copies of the dress itself.)  However, over the years I've realized that the readers of this blog have an immensely wide range of expertise, so I'll throw the photos out and see if anyone can offer an informed opinion re this fashion item.

*"dead people's things"

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