السبت، 24 سبتمبر 2011

Rick Perry campaign video

I do not support Rick Perry as a presidential candidate, but I wanted to post this video from his campaign to illustrate how high-quality production values can generate a really persuasive product.

On a related matter, Yglesias has taken issue with Perry's recent assertions re the importance of Israel's security to the United States:
I had a lot of problems with Rick Perry’s remarks on Israel today, but the most striking thing was his throwaway line that “Israel’s security is critical to America’s security.” He didn’t really explain why  that is, because like Benjamin Netanyahu’s contention that “America has no better friend than Israel”, it isn’t true.

The truth is that Israel is a very small country that simply isn’t very important. Israel contains no valuable natural resources, and it does no favors for the United States. 

Which is fine. There are lots of countries whose security isn’t crucial to the United States. Chile, for example. And yet we still enjoy a nice, healthy, state-to-state and society-to-society relationship with Chile. It’s not a slam on Chile to observe that Chilean security isn’t critical to American welfare... We can be friends with Chile, shake hands with Chilean leaders, enjoy their wines, etc. without saying that we need to take Chile’s side in every regional diplomatic dispute, subsidize the Chilean military, or have our politician run around the world making absurd claims about the centrality of Chilean security to our own security.
The link between Zionism and Evangelical Christianity was previously discussed in an article at Mother Jones.

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