الاثنين، 2 يوليو 2012

A Barcelona bank offers a public thank-you

"In the 130th anniversary of the creation of Banco Sabadell we wanted to pay tribute to our city with the campaign "Som Sabadell." This is the flashmob we do as a climax with the participation of over 100 people in the Vallès Symphony Orchestra and the choirs of Lieder and Friends of l'Opera and the Choral Belles Arts."
I keep telling myself not to look at YouTube comments, but an inadvertent glance this time showed me this one:
this kinda music sucks. notice how only old people and parents are liking it. I guarantee if they did this in new york or somewhere cool like chicago people would be throwing rocks at their wack asses. this type of music is dead. HIP-HOP and rap actually have words in it and speaks to the heart. 

* "illigitimi non carborundum"

p.s. - for those who, like me, enjoy videos of flash mobs, try these old posts:

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