الأربعاء، 3 أبريل 2013

Shhh... don't tell anyone....

This post is only for the eyes of regular readers of TYWKIWDBI.  To keep it "under the radar" I have left key words out of the title.

Four years ago I designated a day in mid-April as "Small Blog Appreciation Day," inviting readers of TYWKIWDBI to share their own blog with other readers via a compendium post here.  That year 18 regular readers responded.

I have continued the tradition in subsequent years, and it has grown a bit.  In 2011 we compiled a list of 59 blogs, and last year it was 71.

In order for me to do this, it is important that the participation be limited to regular TYWKIWDBI readers.  I don't want the great unwashed public flooding me with requests to promote their blog, nor do I have the time to compile a list of many hundreds.  I would like to get responses from those who have commented here using a name I recognize, or for the anons evidence that your blog that has a link here, or a sidebar blogroll inclusion of TYWKIWDBI.

If you would like to participate, just go to the Comments section for this post, and write -

  • The name of your blog
  • The url (you don't have to make it clickable; I can cut and paste), and
  • One or two sentences (max) describing what focus or theme your blog has.
    The resultant post will look something like this or this and will appear after April 15 (because I'm going to be busy with a certain type of paperwork before then).

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