الجمعة، 19 أبريل 2013

Untreated hydrocephalus

The image embedded above is the cover of the book Special Cases: Natural Anomalies and Historical Monster, from the review at Goodreads. The child in the image had untreated hydrocephalus, a condition where cerebrospinal fluid fails to drain from the skull, and the unfused cranial bones spread widely.

The topic was discussed this week at the always-interesting Quigley's Cabinet, with a link to information about a modern-day child whose family has been unable to afford the appropriate medical treatment: In India, Abdul Rehman's daughter Runa Begum's hydrocephalus has gone untreated because he makes the equivalent of a mere $2.75 a day.
"Day by day, I saw her head growing too big after she was born. It's very difficult to watch her in pain. I pray several times a day for a miracle -- for something to make my child better," he says. 
The child's head now has a circumference of 36" (91cm) and she will by now have incurred irreparable damage to the brain tissue.  In deference to those readers of this blog who for some reason have difficulty viewing human illness, I'll place the photo of her in her father's arms below the fold...

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