الثلاثاء، 29 يونيو 2010

A blog called "Cake Today" is stealing my content

I noticed this some time ago when a post I wrote showed up at this other blog - horribly mistranslated.  It seemed as though it had gone through two or more translators finally ending up back in fractured English.

I posted a comment on the blog asking what was happening.  I received no reply, and I see now that my comment wasn't even posted there.

Virtually everything I post is showing up there, and instead of a link it has a "read more" link that goes to Amazon cake sales page.  The amazing thing is how fast it happens - just minutes after I posted the "Mail Train" item below it was on "Cake Today" with the mangled text.  So it's a bot rather than a human that's processing the posts.

It doesn't "hurt" me in any financial sense, but it pisses me off.  What do I do?

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