الاثنين، 9 أغسطس 2010

6 Struts + LEDs = 2nd Prize

Step on the pads and light up the tensegrity. This was the wayfinding method that Boston Architectural College students Oscar Anderson, Joshua Kirby, and Dan Lear proposed for the Common Boston Common Build competition.

This year the competition was devoted to Lost in Boston's agenda: wayfinding in the Boston area. Wayfinding encompasses all of the ways in which people orient themselves in physical space and navigate from place to place. This sense of place is eanbled by landmarks, signage, and objects that evoke a strong sense of center.

The 2nd Place Prize went to the 6 strut tensegrity pictured here. Stepping on the pads lit up LEDs to point out landmarks in Fort Point Channel. Judges thought the design was the "definite winner of innovation award for structure" and it "combined the notion of public art with the intent of way-finding."

Common Boston Common Build: http://commonboston.org/special-events/cbcb/
Lost in Boston: http://lostinboston.org

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