الأحد، 15 أغسطس 2010

Recent posts at Neatorama

(The image is unrelated; it is an Aphrodite Fritillary that recently visited the purple coneflowers in our garden)

Bambi pummels a dog.  Video of a doe and fawn in a suburban neighhborhood being investigated by a cat and dog.  The latter gets the stuffing beaten out of him by the doe.  Read the spoiler at the link before deciding whether you want to watch.

If you use free WiFi at airports without taking proper precautions, your laptop can be hacked.

"Crop mobbing" is a new development in social networking that appeals to the "agricurious."

A newborn with 12 fingers and 12 toes elicits wonderful reactions from parents and medical personnel.  Video at the link.

A restaurant is proposed for Madison, Wisconsin, that will only be accessible to those on bicycles.

A website helps you convert your numerical phone number into corresponding letters, and hopefully words.

Dozens of Members of Parliament in Pakistan have fake degrees.  Their defense:  "A degree is a degree, whether it is fake or genuine."

A big yellow school bus capable of going 350 mph.  It has a jet engine.

"Stand-up paddling" is a new form of recreation.

Melting glaciers and icefields continue to yield amazing prehistoric artifacts.

In 1958 a man won a free trip to Mars in a Burma Shave promotion.

Astronauts in the Apollo Space Program were uninsurable re life insurance.  Read about how they cleverly provided financial support for their families in case they were to die.

Extraterrestrial carbon buckyballs have been detected.

Motorcycles equipped with firefighting equipment can get to some fires faster than conventional fire trucks can.  Clever idea.

Winston Churchill's dentures were designed to PRESERVE his lisp - not correct it.

Padded panties.  Do you need this fashion accessory?

Read to find out whether you are a truly elite shopper or not.  (Probably not)

Google Earth can now show you real-time weather so you don't have to look out the window.

Paintings by a congenitally blind man.  You can quibble about the quality, but you can't argue with his determination.

A link to a wonderful children's book from 1917, with lots of clever poems.

Students at Kansas State prepared a video with their thoughts about education (unfortunately this was in 2007, which I didn't notice, and it's probably a bit out of date now).

Scientific American has a set of 26 optical illusions, some of which are quite remarkable.  Nitpickers will make snarky comments about the validity of the illusions, totally missing the point of their relevance to understanding human vision.

Nematode behavior can be adjusted by "remote control" by embedding magnetic nanoparticles in them and opening and closing their cellular ion channels with magnets.  Has potential implications for future medical innovations.

California chemists have suggested that "extra virgin" olive oil is often bogus.  Importers disagree.

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