السبت، 19 مارس 2011


Miss Cellania locates the best flash games.  Her latest find, posted at Neatorama, is "Jorinapeka," which requires you to come up with path-finding strategies.  I've found that it takes about a minute to play a level, so total game time is about 10-20 minutes.

The goal is to clear the colored circles from the pattern, but not necessarily in the shortest time or with the fewest moves; it seems that a long path generates more points than a quick completion of the level.  The most valuable strategy seems to be the creation of extra moves.  There are several "bonuses" - the four at left are the only ones I've found.  As with many such games, the music is repetitive and annoying, but overall the game is a pleasant diversion.

All these images are screencaps.  To play the game, go to this link.

Addendum:  New personal best score 9754 (couldn't clear level 23 in five moves, embedded above) -
- after reading the tips from "anonymous" in the comments section.  And wasting many, many hours...

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