الخميس، 31 مارس 2011

Turning the tables

This photo in the Telegraph by Tom Whetten (Caters News), shows a zebra/lion encounter in the Ngorongoro Conservation area of Tanzania. I'm posting it because it reminds me of a segment in an old nature documentary that is indelibly etched in my memory. Perhaps 20-30 years ago someone documenting lions in ?the Serengeti filmed a chase scene during which some kind of gracile, cervine prey (perhaps a gazelle, I don't remember) lashed out with its rear hooves during a chase, catching the lioness squarely in the jaw. In a subsequent scene she was shown back in her lair with her cubs, but with her fractured jaw hanging askew from her face, and the narrator noted that over the course of the next few weeks she visibly starved and died because she was unable to chew.

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