الاثنين، 28 مارس 2011

The surprising economics of dogwalking

Probably not "typical" or "average," but these numbers from a Telegraph story are startling:
"I started by having business cards printed up and then I approached people with dogs on the local commons. Then after talking to them about my dog walking service, I was introduced to other dog owners and it just grew from there...

It is important to be professional – I have had a Criminal Records Bureau check as I have people's house keys, and have also done dog first aid training and have specialist pet walking insurance. If someone's dog runs into a road and causes an accident, you need to be covered.

I usually walk six dogs in the morning and six in the afternoon and also offer all day care. I charge £15 per dog per hour and work seven days a week – so as you can see, it's a good earner...
You do the math. An enterprising young man, he also set up a website called "The Dogfather."

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