الاثنين، 28 مارس 2011

Meet a self-styled "modern day slave"

That's Adrian Peterson, premier running back for the hapless Minnesota Vikings.  Asked to comment on the ongoing dispute between the owners of professional football teams and the players, he opined:
"It's modern-day slavery, you know?" Peterson said... All some people see is, 'Oh, we're not going to be around football.' But how the players look at it ... the players are getting robbed. They are. The owners are making so much money off of us to begin with.
Adrian Peterson's base salary for this coming year is over $10,000,000.  He would get more from incentive bonuses, playoff games, All-Star elections, sales of jerseys, football cards, interviews, book deals, television commercials etc.

A Washington Post article discusses how the players have to cover their own health-care costs during their lockout, but note that the average salary for NFL players is $2,000,000 - with a minimum of $320,000 per year.  Plus extras.

Peterson's agent has scrambled to cover his ass by saying the comments were "taken out of context," but of course there is no other context to put them into.  These are millionaires who drape themselves in diamond bling, complaining that billionaires are richer than they are.  I'm sick and tired of it.

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