الأربعاء، 23 مارس 2011

Are you "G.P.O." ? ("Good for Parts Only")

The Mail Online collects some of the politically-incorrect humor used by medical professionals in Great Britain:
...while a GLM is a ‘good looking mum’ who probably has GLL – ‘great looking legs’ – an FLK is a ‘funny looking kid’ while a TBP is a ‘total bloody pain’. GROLIES, meanwhile, refers to a ‘Guardian reader of low intelligence in an ethnic skirt’.

An intoxicated man turning up in A&E might well have a UBI, or ‘unexplained beer injury’, and if he was particularly rude he might be a CLL or ‘complete low life’. Other terms include ‘house red’ for blood, ‘slashers’ for general surgeons and the ‘Freud Squad’ for psychiatrists.

Details of the slang have been revealed by senior consultant Dr Adam Fox, based at Guy’s and St Thomas’ hospital in London, who said it had been used on wards for years. He claimed that staff would once write the code on medical records, but this was now less common as many patients want to see their own files.
Many more examples at the link.

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