الجمعة، 28 أكتوبر 2011

The world was different when I was born

Many people are using the interactive feature at this BBC article today to find out where they are positioned in the history of the world.  I entered the world when it had about 1/3 the population it has today.  That's a huge change in one not-yet-completed lifetime.

My mom is 92.  Her entry point is obviously even further back down the curve:
She often comments (as I tend to do as well now that I'm getting older) about how so many things have changed in her lifetime.  If, when she was born, a 92-year old woman had been at her bedside, that woman would have been born in 1826, when the world population was under a billion.  And if you repeat by having just one more 92-year-old woman present when that woman was born, it takes her birth back to 1734 - the flat part of the graph, where the world population was a half-billion and unchanged for centuries.

So, within the sequential lifetimes of just three people, all of this population growth has occurred.   That's a staggering thought.

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