السبت، 15 سبتمبر 2012

We Got Your Wiki Back! - Penn & Teller - Portuguese

Brand new Wikipedia World editor Filipe Russo writing from his home in São Paulo, Brazil has just created his first page.  Super proud of Filipe and his motivation and support of this project.  He joined this project only one month ago and has jumped in with both feet.   



Note: We still need one or two nice pictures of Penn & Teller (separate and together) to be uploaded to Wikimedia Commons for inclusion in this project. Please contact me for more instructions.  susangerbic@yahoo.com

This Penn & Teller page now links to the Nix Dorf creation of the Jerry Andrus page.  This is what I planned when creating the Wikipedia World project, one well-written page builds on the next page and the next. 

Can't wait to see what Filipe moves on to next. 

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