الخميس، 20 سبتمبر 2012

A flight through the universe

This is, on the surface, a "simple" video, presenting in visual form some of the data from the Sloan Digital Sky Survey documenting the number and location of celestial objects.

It's "simple" until you realize - and personally I still have difficulty wrapping my mind around this - that those white specks you are "flying past" are not stars.  Each of those is a galaxy composed of billions of stars.
The movie starts by flying right through a large nearby cluster of galaxies and later circles the SDSS-captured universe at about 2 billion light years (a redshift of about 0.15) from Earth...
This was NASA's Astronomy Picture of the Day several weeks ago.  It's not a "high-resolution" video, but for mind-boggling purposes I do think it's best viewed at fullscreen.

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