السبت، 22 سبتمبر 2012

Popular (and unpopular) 4-digit PIN codes

Everyone knows that "1234" is an overused 4-digit PIN (the three most commonly used numbers account for almost 20% of all passwords).  Some excerpts from a Slate column:
On the other end of the scale, the least popular combination—8068—appears less than 0.001 percent of the time... Rounding out the bottom five are "8093," "9629," "6835," and "7637," which all nearly as rare...

Data Genetics came up with the numbers by analyzing a database of 3.4 million stolen passwords that have been made public over the years. Most of these are passwords for websites...

Among seven-digit passwords, the fourth-most popular is "8675309," which should ring familiar to fans of '80s music.

The 17th-most popular 10-digit password is "3141592654."

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