الخميس، 7 فبراير 2013

Spotted Lake (British Columbia)

Most of the water in the lake evaporates over the summer, leaving behind large “spots” of minerals. Depending on the mineral composition left behind, the spots will be of white, pale yellow, green or blue in color...

During the First World War, minerals from the lake were harvested for manufacture of ammunition...

Known as Kliluk to the natives of the Okanagan Valley, the lake is a sacred and culturally significant site whose potential for commercial exploitation recently generated much controversy. The therapeutic quality of the waters has been known for millennia - the Native Indians used the mud and waters of the lake to heal aches and ailments...
The lake and surrounding land were purchased by the First Nations and Indian Affairs Department in 2001.

Text from Amusing Planet, via NPR's tumblr.  Photo credit Fred Schaad.

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