الجمعة، 30 أكتوبر 2009

A pumpkin-carving suggestion (and question)

For perhaps 50 years I've always started carving a pumpkin by cutting a hole around the stem sort of in the shape of a star fort, and then scooping out the pulp and seeds through that hole. That access hole has been a hindrance in the past when installing electric lights on the pumpkin, and this year I wanted a larger hole in order to have long carrots coming out of the head, so I tried a different approach.

Instead of cutting a hole around the stem, I decided to cut off the bottom of the pumpkin. The first benefit was that I had easy access to the inside and was able to clean it out in about five minutes. The second advantage is that it now has a flat bottom, so won't need to be propped up in a planter; the flat bottom should also make candle placement easier. The one disadvantage might be if wind blows the candle(s) out and I need to tip the pumpkin to relight them - but I think that would still be better than the old method of reaching down from the top with a match.

I'm curious as to whether anyone else has ever done this, and whether I will encounter any unfortunate surprises tomorrow when I finish the carving and set it out.

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