الجمعة، 30 أكتوبر 2009

More photos from the National Library of Wales

"W. Thedwall Thomas and friends" (link)

"Old woman with hat and shawl" (link)

"Mary Parry" (link)

"Carreg Samson cromlech" (link)

"Dog with a pipe in his mouth" (link)

This past spring I posted four photos from their Flickr photostream; they seem to have added quite a few more since then. The full set of 260 photos is here, and this link goes to the library's home page.

I would be appreciative if anyone can offer insight into the role of those wonderful top hats. Were they a standard part of some ethnic dress, or donner as part of a festival or commemoration?

Addendum: A tip of the (top) hat to Alys, who found the answer to my query above: ""The Welsh hat worn by women as part of Welsh national costume is a tall stovepipe-style hat, similar to a top hat. It is still worn by women, and particularly schoolgirls, in Wales on St David's Day, but rarely on other occasions... It is a legacy of 18th century dress."

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