الثلاثاء، 27 أكتوبر 2009

The bog boardwalk and gazebo in my back yard

Those of us who live in the Upper Midwest relish "Indian Summer" days - the occasional days of sunny, unusually warm weather after the first frost. We had a killing frost several weeks ago - losing a lot of our colorful foliage in the process. But today it's mid-50s, cloudless deep blue sky, refreshing light breezes. These are the times for final outdoor chores putting gardens to sleep, cleaning leaves from gutters, and for taking long walks. I'll be blogging a bit less than usual for the next several days if this weather holds.

I took the photo at the University of Wisconsin Arboretum. Not technically my own personal back yard, but since it's less than 10 minutes from home, it amounts to the same thing...

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