الأربعاء، 21 أكتوبر 2009

World tap-dancing record set

Tony Adams, from Wellington, New Zealand set a new world record of 1,056 taps in one minute.

At his peak, Mr Adams did 23 taps in one second, with his gruelling training regime of running up mountains paying off.

Afterwards Mr Adams breathlessly said he was proud of his achievement because as a boy he wore callipers just like Forrest Gump.

I searched YouTube for a video, but there's nothing there (perhaps too soon); if anyone encounters one, please let me know.

I'm a bit suprised that training for tap dancing involves "running up mountains," and I have never seen the term "callipers" (two "Ls?") used to refer to leg braces - is that a colloquialism down under?

And while I'm asking questions about New Zealand, I've heard the term "kiwi" used to refer to someone from N.Z. - is it a derogatory term, an insult?

And while we're on the subject of motor skills, you can test your digital dexterity at a website which measures your typing speed.

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