الخميس، 6 أكتوبر 2011

TYWKIWDBI passes* a new milestone

Today's Technorati Authority score was 632, giving us a ranking of #434 in the blogosphere (out of perhaps a million blogs).

Both of these numbers are new highs; the blog's authority score climbed to the low 600s in August, but when my blogging slowed down because of distractions, the score fell to the low 500s (with a rank around #2000) within a couple weeks.  This really demonstrates how the Technorati algorithm emphasises recent activity.  The most important factor driving the ranking system is links to this blog (which I monitor every morning), and I'm always grateful to those of you who choose to link to my posts.

The score itself doesn't have any real meaning in any practical sense, since I don't sell advertising space.  It's just a type of "validation," like getting a little blue star on your report card to bring home.

We will pass* two more milestones before the end of the year.  I've written 8913 posts so far, so the 10,000th should happen about New Years or so.  And there are now 950 "followers" in the Google Friend Connect system (see the right sidebar for avatars); at the recent rate of growth, that number should reach 1000 before year's end, at which point I hope to do some kind of acknowledgement of all of you. 

* Note the choice of verb.  I credit Michael Kinsley's article in the Atlantic last year for reminding me that "you don't HIT a milestone if you hope to reach the next one."

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