الجمعة، 26 أكتوبر 2012

Carol Tavris - Photo Preference

Here is a quick true story.

I had just finished reading Carol Tavris's book "Mistakes Were Made but Not by me" and wanted to know more about her.  So I went to Wikipedia and noticed that her page didn't have a photo. 

Fast forward to 2010 and I attended the IIG (Independent Investigation Group)'s 10th anniversary party in Los Angeles.  I wasn't a member of the group yet, but tried to help out by taking a lot of pictures of the party.  My goal was to try and get a nice portrait of Carol for her Wikipedia page. 

That wasn't difficult as she is a very approachable person.  Got two images uploaded and onto her page soon afterward. 

Last week I was tagged on Facebook during a discussion from Shęldon Hęlms's account.  Apparently he was involved in a project that used a picture of Carol on a poster.  She wrote to Sheldon and asked if that image could be used on her Wikipedia page as she preferred it.

I was tagged as someone to ask for help with this request.  I explained that I had taken the image on the page, but would not be hurt if there was a better image.  I gave the instructions for the photographer to upload the image to Wikimedia Commons and waited for the file.  

Sheldon came back a few hours later and said that he had talked to the person who put the picture on the poster she had seen.  It turns out that it is the exact same picture I took.  The only difference was that the graphic designer had flipped the image so it would look better with all the other images on the page. 

Sheldon hit the nail on the head when he figured it out, "Of course she prefers the flipped image, that's what she sees in the mirror each morning!" 

Carol Tavris Wikipedia

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