الأربعاء، 31 أكتوبر 2012

Needlebook Tutorial By Amy of nanaCompany

Who can resist an absolutely adorable needle-book.   Especially when it's bright and cheery and has a birthday cake on the cover.  I know that I can't.  It's just so adorable I'm going to make a few as gifts.  If you'd like to know what I'm talking about it's the needle-book tutorial that Amy has on her nanaCompany blog.  I hope you enjoy Amy's tutorial.

Copyright © 2011 - All Rights Reserved - Amy of nanaCompany.

Here's what Amy had to say about her tutorial: Yay! Here's a little tutorial on how I make my needlebooks. They're super easy, fast, and fun... so let's get started.

Amy's Bio - Hi, my name is Amy. I live in a small house near the ocean in Los Angeles with my three children and my awesome husband. We are a lively family but we live very quietly ~ I can honestly say that all five of us are homebodies, looking forward to returning home whenever we go out. But the fun thing I've discovered while looking through my camera these past years, is that there is a lot of beauty in our "everyday." And I'm looking forward to sharing with you my life as I create and explore new ways to find that beauty.

Completely self-taught in everything, I am a "see it- do it" kind of girl. And I love trying new things. Maybe someday I'll have a real style, but for now I love vintage and modern, girly and clean, and everything in between.

Copyright © 2011-2012- All Rights Reserved - Amy of nanaCompany.

Please visit Amy's nanaCompany blog at http://nanacompany.typepad.com, her nanaCompany Etsy shop at http://www.etsy.com/shop/nanacompany, and her Flickr stream at http://www.flickr.com/photos/nanacompany/

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