الجمعة، 26 أكتوبر 2012

Not Tea Again, Surely - Christmas Tutorial No. 16 By Ros Coffey of RosMadeMe Blog

I may be a little biased when it comes to the next tutorial.  You see, I'm a tea drinker and LOVE tea.  So, of course, I was thrilled to see that Ros Coffey had a tutorial on her RosMadeMe Blog blog showing you how to paint an adorable tea set.   What a great gift for grandparents from their grandchildren.

Not Tea Again, Surely - Christmas Tutorial no. 16

Copyright © 2011 - All Rights Reserved - Written by Ros Coffey of RosMadeMe Blog.

Here's what Ros had to say about her tutorial:  I really cannot believe this but yes, this is another tutorial to do with tea! This is something that you can get the children to do for grandparents and aunts and uncles... it is a real Blue Peter coverall! And no it is not the infamous Advent Crown, complete with candles, coathangers and tinsel... the Fire Prevention Officer's nightmare. We are going to paint up a Christmas morning tea set:

Confession time - I had this tutorial written on Sunday... but it just wasn't up to snuff, you see I cannot paint or draw and my efforts looked simply awful and then it came to me to use a stencil and sponge to cover up for my deficiencies. So if anyone wants a real challenge, teach me to paint or draw something that is recognisable next year... go on, I dare you!

Ros's Bio:I live by the sea, in Essex, in Leigh-on-sea. I have been making things since I was a child, earliest memories were embroidering squares of binca matting, making felt egg cups and ripping back my knitting when my sister had picked up a dropped stitch... yep, it really did have to be all my own work! I am a dreadful hoarder, with stashes of wool and fabric hidden around my house, together with the projects that I have not yet finished. I am currently making cushions, quilted, appliqued, stencilled... actually just anything that I will enjoy crafting.

Copyright © 2010 - 2012 - All Rights Reserved - Ros Coffey of RosMadeMe Blog .

Please visit her RosMadeMe blog at http://rosmademe.blogspot.com .

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