الخميس، 15 أكتوبر 2009

A grammar question

I encountered this sentence in the April 2009 issue of Smithsonian:
They home-schooled Josh and his sister, Marintha, and moved among Vermont, Quebec, Oregon and a ranch in California.
My question is about the use of the word "among." I obviously understand that "among" replaces "between" when more than two items are involved, but in this case it sounds awkward.

Clearly the family only moved from one place to one other place at any one time - but I don't think one says that "John moved between New York and Florida" unless John is moving back and forth between the two sites; for a one-way trip you would say "John moved from New York to Florida."

"Among" is probably intended to compress a much longer alternative sentence (full of "to" and "from" and "back" etc.), and the meaning is clear, but it still doesn't sound right. Perhaps "moved" is the wrong verb. Or maybe it is correct.

I need to be rescued by some other grammar Nazi. Thanks in advance.

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