الجمعة، 27 يناير 2012

Selections from the November "Harper's Index"

  • Amount employees of private-equity firm Bain Capital have donated to the campaiign of its co-founder Mitt Romney: $69,500
  • To the Obama campaign: $119,900

  • Percentage of all Americans who consider themselves part of the top 1 percent of U.S. earners: 13
  • Miminum number of U.S. colleges that offer courses in unmanned-drone operation: 5

  • Portion of the Veterans Health Administration's budget devoted to veterans with mental-health or addiction problems: 1/3

  • Chance that a U.S. worker is of normal weight and without a chronic health problem: 1 in 7

  • Number of working-age people for every person  over sixty-five worldwide in 1950: 11.7
  • Number today: 8.6
  • Projected humber in 2050: 3.9

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