الجمعة، 27 يناير 2012

The President gets mail

A pair of items from this month's Harper's Index:
  • Number of letters from Americans President Barack Obama reads each evening: 10
  • Number of staffers in the Corespondence Office responsible for seelecting those letters from the 11,000 received each day: 7

There's a lot to ponder there.  First of all, it's not a Democrat/Republican thing - the same must have been happening since the office of the presidency was established.  But look how it must have ramped up - now 11 thousand letters every day.

And seven staff persons just to sort through that mail.  One knee-jerk reaction would be that this is an example of how government has become bloated.  But on the other hand many of these letters are from people with genuine concerns, and probably the staff forward items to relevant congressmen or government agencies.

Still - 11,000 letters every day.  And how many emails?  Interesting to think about.

Addendum:  A hat tip to Chuck for finding this relevant story at ABC News.

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