الأربعاء، 22 فبراير 2012

Walk into this man's home

I have this abiding conviction (unprovable, I know) that MOST of the people in this world are nice, kind, generous, compassionate, caring individuals.  In every country.  In every social class.  In every religion.  It's the outliers that screw things up for the rest of us.

And because news programming and cyberspace give undue emphasis to sensational problems and crises, those of us who wander the 'net for a couple hours every day tend to have our view of the world distorted by the acts of the criminals, polluters, fanatics, plutocrats, warmongers, and politicians.

It's important to take time to appreciate the rest of the people in the world.  That's what Mark does in this Vimeo offering entitled "This Is My Home."  The man lives in New York.  He's real.  And I think he's more typical than most people would realize.

Via Reddit.

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