الجمعة، 17 أغسطس 2012

The New York Giants apologize to baseball fans

This letter comes from the management of the New York Giants baseball team (before they moved to San Francisco and became the San Francisco Giants).  It was published on May 27, 1951 as an open apology to the people of Minneapolis for the team's decision to promote an outfielder from their AAA-league Minneapolis Millers farm team up to the major leagues:
It would be most unfair to deprive him of the opportunity he earned with his play.  We honestly admit too, that this playter's excpetional talents are the exact answer to the Giants' most ciritica need.  Please be assured that the New York giants will continue in our efforts to provide Minneapolis with a winning team.
Why did the Giants call up a player just after the season had started?  Perhaps because he was batting .607 in his first 14 games at Nicollet Park (and was an outstanding fielder).  Here's he is in the clubhouse:

Some of you will recognize a very young (19-year-old) Willie Mays.

Photo credit John McNab.

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