الجمعة، 31 أغسطس 2012

Yarn for an Icelandic shawl

It's too bad there are only 24 hours in a day, because there are so many intriguing and useful hobbies and crafts that one could learn.  When I see a photo like the one above, I wish I had the time (and skill) to create things with fabric.
In this kit to make a Icelandic traditional 'Hyrna' shawlthere are 5,2oz (150g) of yarn, 3 colours . The yarn is hand dyed with natural colours from plants from the Icelandic nature, except for the Indígó (blue) that is imported. These green tones Gudrun Bjarnadottír gets from using Lupin leaves and then colouring with Indígó to get the green effect...
We have the lupin growing in our yard, hoping to attract a Karner Blue butterfly.

Text and photo from Hespa on Etsy, via A Polar Bear's Tale.

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