الثلاثاء، 21 أغسطس 2012

Concept cabin of a proposed new Airbus design

The vitalising zone will both meet that demand and bring the passenger closer to nature. The bionic structure and membrane will create the perfect combination of strength, light and space, offering panoramic views of the world outside through large areas where the lining can become transparent at the wave of a hand; intelligent organically grown seats will sense your needs and adapt for the perfect fit, offering massage, drinks or vitamins as required; a gentle sea breeze or the soft aroma of a pine forest wash over you; sound showers will ease you into the perfect sleep, snug in the warm embrace of holographic shades, while the heat given out from your body is unobtrusively collected to power the cabin facilities
Personally, I'd rather have the luggage and cargo above, with a transparent underside so I could look down.  And I'll pass on receiving a "sound shower" in an organically-grown seat that is harvesting my body heat.

More at Airbus.

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