الجمعة، 19 أكتوبر 2012

Paper Gum Weaving and Woven Chain Paper Frame Tutorials By June Crawford of A Creative Dream

I can remember making gum wrapper chains?  Can you?  If you can remember these or if you have always wanted to learn how to make something from them then you'll be happy to know that June Crawford has a wonderful tutorial on her A Creative Dream  blog showing you how to make picture frame from gum wrapper chains. I'm definitely going to try making one of these.  Boy, does that bring back memories!

Copyright © 2011 - All Rights Reserved - Written by June Crawford of A Creative Dream

Here's what June had to say about her tutorial:  This current obsession I have with re-purposing old books into creative journals has left me with a whole lot of book guts. All those pages that fall out or I remove are hanging around in my creative space and I swear, they are taunting me. Maybe it's because they are really starting to pile up, or maybe it's because the pile is starting to topple over... either way, it seems time to turn some of my attention to all those pages.

So... do ya remember the gum wrapper chains from forever and a day ago? I think the last time I made one I was in... oh, maybe the fourth grade. We won't discuss exactly how many years ago that was, suffice it to say, it was a few. Which makes it all the more strange that creating one popped into my head a couple of weeks ago. But, once an idea comes to roost it must eventually come to fruition. It seemed a good thing to make those book pages stop taunting me, so this weekend I searched the depths of my memory and with a few mishaps... ok, maybe a whole bunch of mishaps (I tried to make it so much more difficult than it needed to be)... I think I finally got it. In case you haven't made one, or if you just need a refresher, I thought I'd share... Start with papers the size of gum wrappers. Mine were 1.5" x 3.25".

Copyright © 2011 - All Rights Reserved - Written by June Crawford of A Creative Dream

Here's what June had to say about her tutorial:  To weave the gum wrappers again, I needed a project to use them up. This is what I came up with. Quite pleased with myself. I mean.. cool idea huh? Who else would come up with a frame? Then my daughter came home. It seems she's seen these everywhere. Talk about an immediate deflate... anyway, I'm going to share with you the process of creating this frame regardless. Along with the things I won't be doing for the next ones.

Please respect June's TERMS OF USE:  Please note, in regard to the copyright, all of the directions and photographs in my tutorials are mine, you may not copy or reproduce them without my consent. These instructions are for you to use for PERSONAL use only, not for profit.

June's Bio:  Me... a dreamer, a ponderer of big and small thoughts. A wanna-be artist, a soon to be empty-nester... wondering what the heck I am gonna do with the rest of my life...

Copyright © 2011 - All Rights Reserved - June Crawford of A Creative Dream.

Please visit  her A Creative Dream blog at http://acreativedreamer.blogspot.com/. Her A Creative Dream Flickr page is at  http://www.flickr.com/photos/creativedreamer/ .

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