الاثنين، 12 أكتوبر 2009


I am quite aware that there are readers of TYWKIWDBI who are inordinately distressed by tragic events, and who want me to keep such things "under the fold" so they do not need to deal with them. So I'll do that here.

The photo above is not too visually distressing; he looks a bit like "Spot" from the Buster Brown shoe ads. The puppy is fine, having been rescued from a potentially grim fate. He will now be adopted by a loving family and have a good life.

The rest of the story (the part "beneath the fold") is told at the TimesofMalta.com, and at Nothing to Do With Arbroath. It explains why his ear looks a bit funny in the photo; be forewarned that it involves people who are, in the view of this blog, the scum of the earth.

Photo credit: Matthew Mirabelli

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