الخميس، 5 يناير 2012

Bioluminescent slime mold ??

Where can one find (or buy) a bioluminescent slime mold?

One of my friends here in Madison is an x-ray crystallographer doing entomological research; he sent me this request:
I have been looking for information regarding tropical bioluminescent slime mold (Myxomycetes). I want to find out who on the planet may have a sample I can grow in the lab or even a species name. I have found this phrase repeated, "some tropical slime molds are bioluminescent and glow in the dark," but for the past few days I'm stymied regarding what slime molds they may possibly be. 
He has searched the Mycological Society's ATCC without success, and I've written to my best microbiology/extremophile expert without a result, so I thought I'd just post the query on the blog and see if anyone has a suggestion...

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