الجمعة، 13 يناير 2012

Heads blowing up

A compilation of clips from over 30 movies, each depicting a human head exploding.  Everyone will remember the scene from Raiders of the Lost Ark, and perhaps the Scanners ones, but it's surprising how many others there have been over the years.

At the risk of being a nitpicker, we'll point out that human heads do not contain nearly as much blood as the cinema events depict.  A head exploding would probably spatter you more with tapioca-like material than the blood shown in most of these clips.

I've left the embed "above the fold" because the mid-video still is (reasonably) innocuous, but I'll still offer the appropriate warning that the contents include extensive violence ranging from the excessive to the improbable, and immense quantities of gore.  There are no light-hearted exploding heads of Roadrunners or Sylvester cats (well, there is Weird Al...).

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