الجمعة، 3 أغسطس 2012

A recent sighting of "Nessie"

Nessie hunter George Edwards has waited 26 years for this sight, and he now believes he has the best picture ever taken of the Loch Ness monster. He spends around 60 hours a week taking tourists out on his boat Nessie Hunter IV, and has led numerous Nessie hunts over the years. But this image has convinced him that there really is a monster - or monsters - out there. It shows a mysterious dark hump moving in the water towards Urquhart Castle. After watching the object for five to ten minutes, Mr Edwards said it slowly sank below the surface and never resurfaced. 
If that thing is moving, the waves would suggest to me that it is moving away from the castle. 

Photo: George Edwards/CASCADE NEWS

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