الجمعة، 7 سبتمبر 2012

How to pronounce "Charlize Theron"

After you learn how to pronounce her name, you can hear how the Afrikaans language sounds.  According to a comment in the Reddit thread, "90% - 95% of Afrikaan words are Dutch, but it also has some Malay, Portuguese, etc. Most people who know Dutch can still (partially) understand it though."
"Dis baie moeilik om in Afrikaans te praat as daar net een persoon is wat Afrikaans praat en niemand praat terug nie, so dis 'n bietjie snaaks om in die taal te praat."

"It is very difficult to speak in Afrikaans if there is only one person who can speak Afrikaans and nobody talks back, so it's a bit funny to talk in this language."

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