الأحد، 25 ديسمبر 2011

Branching Out with Pictures

Today is Christmas 2011 and I thought I would add some pictures to various pages today.  All these pictures were taken in the last couple days while I'm spending the holiday with Mark Edward in LA.  Nothing is skeptical related, but the skills of uploading to Wikicommons and adding pictures onto pages is something to keep up on.

Tim Farley has often advised me to spread out my edits to not only skeptical issues, from time to time work on edits to your hometown, your school, books whatever interests you.  This makes other editors take your work seriously as you won't appear to be a one-trick-pony. 

This was a change of pace and quite fun.  Here is my Wikimedia Common's contribution page

I added pictures to...

Heritage Square Museum - actually I had uploaded most of the images on the page in January 2010.  Tonight I changed many images and added one or two more.  Heritage Square Before

Little Tokyo just added the friendship knot sculpture

Bradbury Building I added a few images (one was taken down already) and changed out some that I thought were dull.  Bradbury Building before.

Chinatown was a lot of fun, bright colors.  I got rid of a dull picture and added mine instead.  Chinatown before.

Added the close-up picture here of a shelf in a Botanica.  This was directly across the street from the Bradbury Building.  I didn't openly take this picture, but had my camera in my hands and snapped just whatever.  Got some great images this way.  I decided that I would only add the one image that I cropped in even further. 

The MOCA page you would think would have better images.  I added the night scene of the downtown buildings with the airplane sculpture.  The next time I visit this place I'm going to get better images of the building.

The Museum of Jurassic Technology badly needed images.  The mouse on toast picture they had was blurry.  This isn't a place for amateur photographers.  The museum is in near darkness except for the exhibits, and no flash photography is allowed.  I love my camera, the lens I purchased allows me to shoot in low light and I use the "sports" setting on my camera always.  This works great indoors and out.  If you click on the images you will see that mine are still a bit blurry, they are lucky they have images at all.  I must go back and shoot a better main image.  Here is the page when I found it this afternoon.  Extra points if you can find Mark Edward in one of the images.

Lastly I added a picture taken on Bunker Hill.  We took a ride on the Angles Flight tram.  According to the article there was a death on the tracks a few years ago, wonder if there is a ghost still lingering.  Bet we could get a local ghost hunting group out to use their little meters to tell us.

I know this isn't very guerrilla skeptic focused.  But editing Wikipedia should be fun, work on the pages you enjoy. Pull out your photo albums, I bet you already have a bunch of needed images.  Don't wait for your next vacation, look at the Wikipedia pages of places you pass every day, bet they need some updated pictures.   We really are trying to improve Wikipedia overall. 

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