الأربعاء، 14 ديسمبر 2011

Sports figures wax eloquent

"We're optimistic that this injury will not preclude Patrick from missing a large amount of time."
    — Warriors GM Chris Mullin on an injury to draft pick Patrick O'Bryant 

"I'm going to turn this team around 360 degrees!"
    — Jason Kidd

"He fuels the fire that he brings to the table, and as players we all respect that and feed off it."
    — Quarterback Jake Plummer about his coach, San Francisco Chronicle, 10/25/02

"It was definitely motivation. I have to put my head back to the grindstone and keep grinding."
    — Vikings quarterback Daunte Culpepper on being benched, San Francisco Chronicle, 11/21/02

Additional examples at rightreading's Away with Words

Addendum:  A hat tip to Elly for this additional example -

Juan Rincon (Twins pitcher), after giving up four runs in a third of an inning in Minnesota's 6--5 loss to the Yankees in Game 4 of the American League Division Series: "Nobody wants to be in my pants right now."

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