الأربعاء، 21 ديسمبر 2011

It takes a biting and keeps on writing

In the 1960s, television commercials for Timex watches featured John Cameron Swayze reporting that the watch "takes a licking and keeps on ticking."  The commercials showed the watch being subjected to a variety of abuses.

At the right is a worthy counterpart.  This felt-tip pen was removed via fiberoptic gastroscopy from the stomach of a 76-year-old woman.  It had been in her stomach for 25 years, but after removal it was still functional.  It makes one wonder whether she was achlorhydric, but the report at the British Medical Journal does not comment on the acidity of her stomach (CT scan at the link).  Via Neatorama

And for you young whippersnappers who don't remember the early years of television, here's a sample Timex commercial.  Notice that it's two minutes long.

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