الأربعاء، 14 ديسمبر 2011

How instant soup can burn toddlers

Most people are familiar with the incidents of spilled coffee burning the laps of automobile drivers.  An equivalent problem occurs when small children tip over containers of microwaved noodle soup.  NPR has the story:
These soups are dangerous because of the way the cups are designed. The cups are tall, lightweight, and have an unstable base that makes them tip over easily. At Garner's unit, the most common cases are small children, often toddlers, accidentally tipping the cup over on to themselves.
Noodle soup is strangely perfect for delivering a serious burn. The sticky noodles cling to the skin, which leads to deeper, more severe burns, according to a study published in 2007. The study showed that hospital stays for upper body noodle-soup burns are more than twice as long as scalds from hot liquids alone. Garner says that about one in five children he sees with the burns end up needing surgery, and these patients can face permanent scarring and limited mobility in their joints.
If you have such soups in your home, it's important to understand that the shape of the cup strongly influences the propensity of the container to tip over.  Further details at the link.

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