السبت، 17 ديسمبر 2011

The American public wants to oust incumbents

Not "news," really, but now some data from the Pew Research Center to support what has been increasingly apparent:
Sixty seven percent say they want to see most Members of Congress voted out in 2012, the highest that number has ever been in Pew polling. And, while people are more favorably inclined to see their own Member re-elected, (50 percent yes/33 percent no) those numbers still match historic lows...

Those numbers are remarkably stable across partisan lines; 58 percent of Republicans, 56 percent of Democrats and 53 percent of independents think it’s the Members not the institution that’s the problem...

Regardless of who gets the blame, it’s clear — for the 1,000th time — that the electorate is as fed up (if not more fed up) than they have been in recent memory. And that means being a politician in 2012 is a decidedly shaky career choice.
Sadly, most Americans express their anger by staying home during elections.  And of course there's no assurance that the newly elected representatives would be any better.

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