الثلاثاء، 20 ديسمبر 2011

Woman who saved benefits is convicted of fraud

A story from Plymouth, England -
A mentally-ill woman who saved some of her benefits as a nest-egg for her old age has been convicted of benefit fraud. Had Pauline Ford, 58, spent the money on anything at all, she would have committed no offence. But because she lived frugally and saved for a rainy day, while continuing to claim benefits, she has been hit with a double punishment. She has been forced to repay more than £28,000 and received a suspended prison sentence.

Jo Martin, prosecuting, told Plymouth Crown Court that prior to 2005, Ford received incapacity benefit and disabled living allowance, neither of which were means-tested, and housing and council tax benefits, which were. In 2005, she applied for housing and council tax benefits without declaring that she had saved around £15,000-£16,000 from her previous benefits. In 2008, she applied for income support – another means-tested benefit – but failed to declare that she had by now saved £21,000, which she had invested in a Nationwide fixed bond.

...claimants were entitled to hold savings of £3,000 to £16,000, but received lower benefits on a sliding scale.

Ali Rafati, for Ford, said his client had a learning disability and had been admitted to mental health units for up to three months at a time. He said: "Miss Ford became very worried about how she would cope in old age. "For many years she has been living on a shoestring in a rusty mobile home with her 15 year-old dog, saving money for her old age...

Mr Rafati added: "She has now paid back £6,000 more than she saved.
This story presents a variety of social, economic, and moral considerations to ponder.  I'll offer it without comment.  Some additional details at the Plymouth Herald, via Nothing To Do With Arbroath.

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