الخميس، 1 ديسمبر 2011

Plastic in the environment - updated


In response to an anonymous comment ("ahhh....photoshop") this morning, I searched for and found a video of an equivalent turtle (p.s. Amy, you are hereby warned...) :

In 2009 I posted an item at Neatorama entitled "Death by Plastic" with photos of albatross and seabird carcasses engorged with plastic; among the 30+ comments were several claiming that the stories were fake and the images contrived.  I don't know whether there are some people who actually don't believe these things happen, or whether they just get personal satisfaction out of making troll comments.  

That same year I also posted this indescribably horrifying video of plastic heading out to sea from a Romanian river.  I'll keep posting these items, because what humans are doing to our oceans is nothing short of criminal.

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